Snow Trip 😲

Sitting behind the wheel of a ford Ute sat Terry in the middle of snowy Antarctica. Terry was as happy as a 3 year old on Christmas eve. All of a sudden smoke started bursting out of the engine, the car alarm started beeping, the window wipers started waving everywhere he was stunned. “What on earth is going on, am I going to survive? ” Terry said. Cautiously he jumped out of the car raging on what was going on. Terry heard something behind him, he worriedly turned around, “W…W….What on earth a POLAR BEAR.” he looked at him with devious eyes, he looked awfully hungry, he smelt, TERRIBLE. Terrifyingly the bear liked his lips with a heap of bear slobber flowing out. What was going on. Drenched Terry started to back away. Within 1 minute the bear caught his eye on something more delicious and slowly backed away. That was a close encounter, I almost got EATEN by a polar bear.  

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